Monday, August 29, 2011

How You Can Deal With the Causes of Men's Hair Loss

Almost every man in the western world worries about Men's hair loss. In other parts of the world, baldness and hair loss are seen as signs of virility. Western culture though, looks at it as something to be ashamed of and should be prevented. In today's world though, there are different routes available to help one deal with losing your hair. From hair replacement therapies to understanding the underlying causes of the loss in the first place, you have lots of options available to you. We will help you wade through these options by discussing a few of the things you should consider. However, according to some studies, Saw Palmetto can help in this problem. Many have found relief using a drug called Propecia to treat their hair loss conditions. Whatever the reason for your hair loss, if you want to re-grow your lost hair, this is one method that has been proven to work. Propecia is taken orally and is proven to cause sleeping growth enzymes in your scalp to wake up. Propecia is jumper cables for your follicles helping you grow natural hair. This is one of the only two hair growth methods that have been tested and approved by the FDA. We all know what the FDA approval means for any drug, the chances of it working properly and as it claims are higher than many other possibilities. Propecia is not for everyone, consult your physcian first.Once you are ready to learn more about herbal medicine, reading up on Bitter Gourd will be a great addition to your knowledge.

Once you understand why it's happening you will be better able to accept that it's happening and move forward. One reason for thinning hair is Telogen Defluvium. That sounds like some sort of weird third world disease. What it actually is, however, is a condition in which your hair has simply gone into the "resting" part of its growth cycle. Your own stress can be a factor in this condition.

This condition typically results in sudden massive loss of hair. You need to consult your physician for possible resolution. You might need only to reduce your stress to get your hair to come back!

Did you know that certain shampoos can cause you to lose your hair? Some shampoos simply react badly to the type of hair that you have. Never use a shampoo prescribed to someone else it can cause you to have hair loss. The first thing you should do when you notice hair thinning is try changing shampoos. You may just discover that fixes your problem all together. Obviously you'll want to talk to a doctor as well, just to keep your bases covered. Noone can tell for sure just how many causes there are for hair loss. You also have many options to treat and prevent or reduce the effects on your scalp. Make a point of asking your doctor about options. He might have ideas of other methods you should consider. Of course the Mel Tomey look is always an option when you have decided it's too difficult to deal with medical treatment.